Algebra I
































































































































































































































































































































Expressions, Equations, and Functions





























Exploring Rational Numbers



























Solving Linear Equations

























Proportional Reasoning


































Graphing Relations and Functions





















Analyzing Linear Equations






















Semester Test



Solving Systems of Linear Equations and Inequalities
























Exploring Polynomials
































Using Factoring




















Solving Linear Inequalities
































Exploring Rational Expressions and Equations


















Semester Test

·          translate verbal expressions into mathematical expressions and vice versa

·          extend sequence and patterns

·          use the order of operations to evaluate real number expressions

·          display and interpret data on a stem-and-leaf plot

·          solve open sentences by performing operations

·          recognize and use the properties of identity and equality

·          determine the multiplicative inverse of a number

·          use the distributive property to simplify expressions

·          recognize and use the commutative properties to simplify expressions

·          interpret graphs in real-world settings

·          sketch graphs for given functions












·          state the coordinate of a point on a number line

·          graph integers on a number line

·          add integers by using a number line

·          interpret numerical data from a table

·          display and interpret statistical data on a line plot

·          find the absolute value of a number

·          add and subtract integers

·          compare and order rational numbers

·          find a number between two rational numbers

·          add and subtract rational numbers

·          simplify expressions that contain rational expressions

·          multiply rational numbers

·          divide rational numbers

·          find square roots

·          classify numbers

·          graph solutions of inequalities on a number line

·          translate verbal sentences and problems into equations or formulas and vice versa




·          solve equations using addition and subtraction

·          solve equations using multiplication and division

·          solve equations involving more than one operation

·          solve problems by working backwards

·          find the complement and supplement of an angle

·          find the measure of the third angle of a triangle given the measures of the other two angles

·          solve equations with the variable on both sides

·          solve equations containing grouping symbols

·          solve equations and formulas for a specific variable

·          find and interpret the mean, median, and mode of a set of data









·          solve proportions

·          find the unknown measures of the sides of two similar triangles

·          use trigonometric ratios to solve right triangles

·          solve percent problems

·          solve problems involving simple interest

·          solve problems involving percent of increase and decrease

·          solve problems involving sales tax and discount

·          find the probability of a simple event

·          find the odds of a simple event

·          solve problems involving direct and inverse variation


























·          graph ordered pairs on a coordinate plane

·          solve problems by making a table

·          identify the domain, range, and inverse of a relation

·          show relations as sets of ordered pairs, tables, mappings and graphs

·          determine the range for a given domain

·          graph the solution set for the a given domain

·          graph linear equations

·          determine whether a given relation is a function

·          find the value of a function for a given element of the domain

·          calculate and interpret the range, quartiles and interquartile range of sets of data







·          find the slope of a line, given the coordinates of two points on the line

·          write linear equations in point-slope form

·          write linear equations in standard form

·          graph and interpret points of a scatter plot

·          draw and write equations for best-fit lines and make predictions by using those equations

·          determine the x- and y-intercepts of linear graphs from their equations

·          write equations in slope-intercept form

·          graph a line given any linear equation

·          determine if two lines are parallel or perpendicular by their slopes

·          write equations of lines that pass through a given point, parallel or perpendicular to the graph of a given equation

·          find the coordinates of the midpoint of a line segment





·          solve systems of equations by graphing

·          determine whether a systems of equations has one solution, no solution, or infinitely many solutions by graphing

·          solve systems of equations by using the substitution method

·          organize data to solve problems

·          solve systems of equations by using the elimination method with addition or subtraction

·          solve systems of equations by using the elimination method with multiplication and addition

·          determine the best method for solving systems of equations

·          solve systems of inequalities by graphing








·          multiply polynomials

·          simplify expressions involving powers of monomials

·          solve problems by looking at a pattern

·          simplify expressions involving quotients of monomials

·          simplify expressions containing negative exponents

·          express numbers in scientific and standard notation

·          find products and quotients of numbers expressed in scientific notation

·          find the degree of a polynomial

·          arrange the terms of a polynomial so that the powers of a variable are in ascending or descending order

·          add and subtract polynomials

·          multiply a polynomial by a monomial

·          simplify expressions involving polynomials

·          use the FOIL method to multiply two binomials

·          multiply and two polynomials by using the distributive property

·          use patterns to find (a+b)² (a-b)², and (a+b)(a-b)




·          find the prime factorization of integers

·          find the GCF for sets of monomials

·          use the GCF and the distributive property to factor polynomials

·          use grouping techniques to factor polynomials with four or more terms

·          solve problems by using guess and check

·          factor quadratic trinomials

·          identify and factor binomials that are the differences of squares

·          identify and factor perfect square trinomials

·          use the zero product property to solve equations







·          solve inequalities by using addition and subtraction

·          solve inequalities by using multiplication and division

·          solve linear inequalities involving more than one operation

·          find the solution set for a linear inequality when replacement values are given for the variables

·          solve problems by making a diagram

·          solve compound inequalities and graph their solution sets

·          solve problems that involve compound inequalities

·          find the probability of a compound event

·          to solve open sentences involving absolute value and graph the solution

·          display and interpret data on a box-and-whisker plots

·          graph inequalities in the coordinate plane















·          simplify rational expressions

·          identify values excluded from the domain of a rational expression

·          multiply rational expressions

·          divide rational expressions

·          divide polynomials by monomials

·          divide polynomials by binomials

·          add and subtract rational expressions with like denominators

·          add and subtract rational expressions with unlike denominators

·          simplify mixed expressions and complex fractions

·          solve rational equations






Daily Assignments






























Daily Assignments




























Daily Assignments

























Daily Assignments


































Daily Assignments






















Daily Assignments























Semester Test



Daily Assignments

























Daily Assignments
































Daily Assignments




















Daily Assignments
































Daily Assignments



















Semester Test

·          9-12.A.1.1.  Students are able to write equivalent forms of algebraic expressions using properties of the set of real numbers.

·          9-12.A.3.1.  Students are able to create linear models to represent problem situations.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.N.3.2.  Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.2.  Students are able to compare multiple one-variable data sets, using range, interquartile range, mean, mode, and median.

·          9-12.S.1.3.  Represent a set of data in a variety of graphical forms and draw conclusions.

·          9-12.A.3.3A.  Students are able to use sequences and series to model relationships.

·          9-12.N.1.2A.  Students are able to apply properties and axioms of the real number system to various subsets, e.g., axioms of order, closure.


·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.1.2.  Students are able to apply the concept of place value, magnitude, and relative magnitude of real numbers.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.2.  Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.3.  Represent a set of data in a variety of graphical forms and draw conclusions.





















·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.G.1.1.  Students are able to apply the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to find unknown parts.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.N.3.2.  Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.2.  Students are able to compare multiple one-variable data sets, using range, interquartile range, mean, mode, and median.

·          9-12.N.1.2A.  Students are able to apply properties and axioms of the real number system to various subsets, e.g., axioms of order, closure.







·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.G.1.1.  Students are able to apply the properties of triangles and quadrilaterals to find unknown parts.

·          9-12.G.1.2.  Students are able to identify and apply relationships among triangles.

·          9-12.G.2.3.  Students are able to use proportions to solve problems.

·          9-12.M.1.2.  Students are able to use suitable units when describing rate of change.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.2.2.  Students are able to predict outcomes of simple events using given theoretical probabilities.

·          9-12.G.1.2A.  Students are able to determine the values of the sine, cosine, and tangent ratios of right triangles.

·          9-12.M.1.2A.  Students are able to use indirect measurement in problem situations that defy direct measurement.

·          9-12.S.1.3A.  Students are able to compare multiple one-variable data sets, using standard deviation and variance.





·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.A.3.2.  Students are able to distinguish between linear and nonlinear models.

·          9-12.A.4.1.  Students are able to use graphs, tables, and equations to represent linear functions.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.2.  Students are able to compare multiple one-variable data sets, using range, interquartile range, mean, mode, and median.

·          9-12.S.1.3.  Represent a set of data in a variety of graphical forms and draw conclusions.

·          9-12.A.4.1A.  Students are able to determine the domain, range, and intercepts of a function.




·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.A.3.2.  Students are able to distinguish between linear and nonlinear models.

·          9-12.A.4.1.  Students are able to use graphs, tables, and equations to represent linear functions.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.3.  Represent a set of data in a variety of graphical forms and draw conclusions.









·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.A.2.2. Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first degree inequalities and represent solutions using a number line.

·          9-12.A.3.2.  Students are able to distinguish between linear and nonlinear models.

·          9-12.A.4.1.  Students are able to use graphs, tables, and equations to represent linear functions.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.2. Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.

·          9-12.A.2.2A.  Students are able to determine the solution of systems of equations and systems of inequalities.




·          9-12.A.1.1.  Students are able to write equivalent forms of algebraic expressions using properties of the set of real numbers.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.2. Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.

·          9-12.N.1.2A.  Students are able to apply properties and axioms of the real number system to various subsets, e.g., axioms of order, closure.



























·          9-12.A.1.1.  Students are able to write equivalent forms of algebraic expressions using properties of the set of real numbers.

·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.N.3.2. Students are able to select alternative computational strategies and explain the chosen strategy.





·          9-12.A.2.2. Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first degree inequalities and represent solutions using a number line.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.1.2.  Students are able to apply the concept of place value, magnitude, and relative magnitude of real numbers.

·          9-12.N.2.1   Students are able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide real numbers including integral exponents.

·          9-12.N.3.1. Students are able to use estimation strategies in problems situations to predict results and to check the reasonableness of results.

·          9-12.S.1.1.  Students are able to draw conclusions from a set of data.

·          9-12.S.1.3.  Represent a set of data in a variety of graphical forms and draw conclusions.

·          9-12.S.2.2.  Students are able to predict outcomes of simple events using given theoretical probabilities.

·          9-12.A.2.3A.  Students are able to determine solutions to absolute value statements.

·          9-12.A.4.6A.  Students are able to graph solution to linear inequalities.

·          9-12.S.1.2A.  Students are able to analyze and evaluate graphical displays of data.

·          9-12.S.2.1A.  Students are able to use probabilities to solve problems.




·          9-12.A.1.1.  Students are able to write equivalent forms of algebraic expressions using properties of the set of real numbers.

·          9-12.A.2.1.  Students are able to use algebraic properties to transform multi-step, single-variable, first-degree equations.

·          9-12.N.1.1. Students are able to identify multiple representations of a real number.

·          9-12.N.1.2.  Students are able to apply the concept of place value, magnitude, and relative magnitude of real numbers.

·          9-12.A.1.1A.  Students are able to write equivalent forms of rational algebraic expressions using properties of real numbers.


Curriculum Maps